IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[2]System of Infra/Unix System 2020. 12. 2. 15:47728x90반응형
IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[2]
[root@test_svr1:/]# smit nim Configure the NIM Environment Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks Perform NIM Administration Tasks(선택) Create IPL ROM Emulation Media NIM POWER5 Tools Thin Server Maintenance
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
Manage Networks Manage Machines(선택) Manage Control Objects Manage Resources Manage Groups Backup/Restore the NIM Database Configure NIM Environment Options Rebuild the niminfo File on the Master Change the Master's Primary Interface Manage Alternate Master Environment Unconfigure NIM
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
List All Machines Define a Machine(선택) Change/Show Characteristics of a Machine Specify New Master for Client Machine Remove a Machine Manage Network Install Interfaces Manage Network Install Resource Allocation Perform Operations on Machines Query Remote Machine Manage Secondary Adapter Definition Files
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
* Host Name of Machine [test_svr2](호스트네임명 또는 IP주소로 NAME을 설정) (Primary Network Install Interface)
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
* NIM Machine Name [test_svr2] * Machine Type [standalone] * Hardware Platform Type [chrp] Kernel to use for Network Boot [64] Communication Protocol used by client [nimsh] Primary Network Install Interface * Cable Type N/A * NIM Network net_10_50_1 * Host Name test_svr2 Command: OK stdout: no stderr: no Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below.
▶ nim client를 등록하기 위해서 /etc/hosts에 등록되어 있는 IP 또는 hostname으로 등록합니다. test_svr2라는 client 파티션에 설치를 할 예정이기 때문에 위와 같이 등록을 해줍니다.
[root@test_svr1:/]# lsnim -l test_svr2 test_svr2: class = machines type = standalone connect = nimsh platform = chrp netboot_kernel = 64 if1 = net_10_50_1 test_svr2 0 cable_type1 = N/A Cstate = ready for a NIM operation prev_state = ready for a NIM operation Mstate = currently running
▶ test_svr2라는 nim client가 등록되어 있는 확인을 합니다.
[root@test_svr1:/]# smit nim Configure the NIM Environment Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks Perform NIM Administration Tasks(선택) Create IPL ROM Emulation Media NIM POWER5 Tools Thin Server Maintenance
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
Manage Networks Manage Machines Manage Control Objects Manage Resources(선택) Manage Groups Backup/Restore the NIM Database Configure NIM Environment Options Rebuild the niminfo File on the Master Change the Master's Primary Interface Manage Alternate Master Environment Unconfigure NIM
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
List All Network Install Resources Define a Resource(선택) Change/Show Characteristics of a Resource Show the Contents of a Resource Remove a Resource Perform Operations on Resources Verify Resources
▶ LIST에서 mksysb를 선택하여 mksysb를 등록하는 작업을 진행합니다.
* Resource Name [test_svr1mksysb_201130] * Resource Type mksysb * Server of Resource [master] * Location of Resource [/tmp/mksysb_bk/71000406mksysb/] NFS Client Security Method NFS Version Access Comments
▶ resource name을 [test_svr1_mksysb201130]으로 지정하고 Server of Resource [master]로 지정 후 Location of Resource [/tmp/mksysb_bk/71000406 mksysb]으로 현재 mksysb백업본의 디렉터리를 지정해줍니다.
[root@test_svr1:/tmp/mksysb_bk]# lsnim -l test_svr1mksysb_201130 test_svr1mksysb_201130: class = resources type = mksysb(타입 확인) creation_date = Mon Nov 30 16:45:07 2020 Rstate = ready for use prev_state = unavailable for use location = /tmp/mksysb_bk/71000406mksysb version = 7 release = 1 mod = 4 oslevel_r = 7100-04 oslevel_s = 7100-04-06-1806(백업된 OS레벨 확인) alloc_count = 0 server = master(마스터 확인)
▶ lsnim 명령어를 통해서 mksysb의 지정이 정확하게 되었는지 확인하도록 합니다.
[root@test_svr1:/]# smit nim Configure the NIM Environment Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks Perform NIM Administration Tasks(선택) Create IPL ROM Emulation Media NIM POWER5 Tools Thin Server Maintenance
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
Manage Networks Manage Machines Manage Control Objects Manage Resources(선택) Manage Groups Backup/Restore the NIM Database Configure NIM Environment Options Rebuild the niminfo File on the Master Change the Master's Primary Interface Manage Alternate Master Environment Unconfigure NIM
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
List All Network Install Resources Define a Resource(선택) Change/Show Characteristics of a Resource Show the Contents of a Resource Remove a Resource Perform Operations on Resources Verify Resources
▶ LIST에서 spot를 선택하여 기존 os백업의 mksysb에서 spot을 추출하도록 합니다.
* Resource Name [test_svr1spot_201130] * Resource Type spot * Server of Resource [master] Source of Install Images [test_svr1mksysb_201130] * Location of Resource [/tmp/mksysb_bk/test_svr1spot_201230] Command: OK stdout: yes stderr: no Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below. Creating SPOT in "/tmp/mksysb_bk/test_svr1spot_201130" on machine "master" from "test_svr1mksysb_201130" ... Restoring files from BOS image. This may take several minutes ...
▶ Resource Name [test_svr1 spot_201130]으로 지정한 뒤 Source of Install Images [test_svr1 mksysb_201130]으로 설정 Location of Resource [/tmp/mksysb_bk/test_svr1 spot_201230] 위치로 지정해서 spot을 추출합니다.
[root@test_svr1:/tmp/mksysb_bk]# lsnim -l test_svr1spot_201130 test_svr1spot_201130: class = resources type = spot(타입 확인) plat_defined = chrp arch = power Rstate = ready for use prev_state = verification is being performed location = /tmp/mksysb_bk/test_svr1spot_201130/test_svr1spot_201130/usr version = 7 release = 1 mod = 4 oslevel_r = 7100-04 oslevel_s = 7100-04-06-1806(백업된 OS레벨 확인) alloc_count = 0 server = master if_supported = chrp.64 ent Rstate_result = success mksysb_source = test_svr1mksysb_201130
▶ mksysb에서 oslevel의 7100-04-06의 spot을 추출한 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. Rstate result 부분이 success라고 명시가 되어 있습니다.
[root@test_svr1:/]# smit nim Configure the NIM Environment Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks Perform NIM Administration Tasks(선택) Create IPL ROM Emulation Media NIM POWER5 Tools Thin Server Maintenance
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
Manage Networks Manage Machines Manage Control Objects Manage Resources(선택) Manage Groups Backup/Restore the NIM Database Configure NIM Environment Options Rebuild the niminfo File on the Master Change the Master's Primary Interface Manage Alternate Master Environment Unconfigure NIM
▶ Enter 선택 후 다음으로 넘어갑니다.
List All Network Install Resources Define a Resource(선택) Change/Show Characteristics of a Resource Show the Contents of a Resource Remove a Resource Perform Operations on Resources Verify Resources
▶ LIST에서 LPP_source를 선택하여 기존 os백업의 mksysb에서 lpp_source를 추출합니다.
* Resource Name [test_svr1lppsoure_201130] * Resource Type lpp_source * Server of Resource [master] * Location of Resource [/tmp/mksysb_bk/test_svrlppsource_201130]
▶ lpp_source까지 추출하게 되면서 os를 재설치할 수 있는 mksysb, spot, lppsource를 추출하면 작업 전 사전 준비를 모두 마칠 수 있게 됩니다.
2020.12.02 - [System of Infra/UNIX] - IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[3]
IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[3]
IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[3] [root@test_svr1:/]# smit nim Configure the NIM Environment Perform NIM Software Installation and Maintenance Tasks(선택) Perform NIM Administration..
2020.12.02 - [System and Cloud/Unix] - IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[1]
IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[1]
IBM AIX NIM서버 구성 mksysb를 활용한 구성 방법[1] [root@test_svr1:/]# vi /etc/inetd.conf #tftp dgram udp6 SRC nobody /usr/sbin/tftpd tftpd -n tftp dgram udp6 SRC nobody /usr/sbin/tftpd tftpd -n(변..
PS. 포스팅의 내용은 제 기준으로 작성한 것이기 때문에 참고해서 보시면 감사하겠습니다.
포스팅 과정의 오류 및 오타 그리고 궁금한 점에 대해서는 댓글 남겨주세요.
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